I Support Teachers in Wales/Dwi'n Cefnogi Athrawon Cymru

English | Cymraeg


Show your support for teachers facing multiple attacks on their pay, their workload and their wellbeing.

Unsustainable rises in working hours, pay freezes and inadequate pay offers, and massive adverse impacts on teachers’ mental health are creating anger in the profession after teachers have been ‘right in the eye of the storm’ for two years.

Our children’s potential to contribute positively to the future of our society and our economy is directly linked to the hard work, dedication and professionalism of our teachers. Every child from every background can develop a passion for education and deserves to realise their goals and ambitions.

Yet teachers’ pay has gone down by at least 20% in real terms since 2010. That’s at least £40,000 worse off for a typical classroom teacher than they would have been had pay kept pace with inflation.

Forty per cent of new teachers leave within the first five years. Two in three say they are seriously considering leaving the job. This exodus of teachers and head teachers from the profession is blighting the efforts of schools and colleges to secure the education recovery that children and young people deserve.

The NASUWT is clear that an immediate programme of pay restoration is needed, commencing with at least a 12% pay award this year for all teachers, recognising the 20% real-terms reduction to the value of teachers’ pay since 2010.

Immediate intervention is needed from the Government to secure a better deal for teachers, including reinstating fair pay, a reasonable workload and peace of mind for teachers.


Dangoswch eich cefnogaeth i athrawon sy’n wynebu ymosodiadau lluosog ar eu cyflog, eu llwyth gwaith a’u lles.

Mae cynnydd anghynaliadwy mewn oriau gwaith, rhewi cyflogau a chynigion cyflog annigonol ac effeithiau andwyol enfawr ar iechyd meddwl athrawon yn creu dicter yn y proffesiwn ar ôl i athrawon fod yn ei chanol hi am ddwy flynedd.

Mae potensial ein plant i gyfrannu’n gadarnhaol at ddyfodol ein cymdeithas a’n heconomi yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig â gwaith caled, ymroddiad a phroffesiynoldeb ein hathrawon. Gall pob plentyn o bob cefndir ddatblygu angerdd am addysg ac mae’n haeddu gwireddu ei nodau a’i uchelgeisiau.

Ac eto, mae cyflog athrawon wedi gostwng o leiaf 20% mewn termau real ers 2010. Mae hynny o leiaf £40,000 yn waeth eu byd i athro dosbarth arferol nag y byddent wedi bod pe bai’r cyflog wedi cadw i fyny â chwyddiant.

Mae 40% o athrawon newydd yn gadael o fewn y 5 mlynedd gyntaf. Mae dau o bob tri yn dweud eu bod o ddifrif yn ystyried gadael y swydd. Mae’r ymadawiad hwn o athrawon a phenaethiaid o’r proffesiwn yn difetha ymdrechion ysgolion a cholegau i sicrhau’r adferiad addysg y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn ei haeddu.

Mae’r NASUWT yn glir bod angen rhaglen adfer cyflog ar unwaith, gan ddechrau gyda dyfarniad cyflog o o leiaf 12% eleni i bob athro, gan gydnabod y gostyngiad termau real o 20% yng ngwerth cyflog athrawon ers 2010.

Mae angen ymyrraeth ar unwaith gan y Llywodraeth i sicrhau gwell bargen i athrawon, gan gynnwys adfer cyflog teg, llwyth gwaith rhesymol a thawelwch meddwl i athrawon.

Nodwch eich côd post islaw fel gallwn adnabod eich AS.