Make sure the candidates in your area understand the issues facing teachers, schools and colleges

Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world - teachers change lives and build a better world, but teachers are being failed by this Government.

NASUWT wants a new government to commit to making our country the best to grow up in for every child and young person.

Children’s lives and futures are being damaged by a lack of investment in our schools, colleges and wider support services for children and families.

More teachers and headteachers are leaving the profession prematurely, whilst targets to train the next generation of teachers have been missed for more than a decade - holding back a generation and damaging our country’s prospects for the future.

Our children and young people deserve better.

A New Deal for Teachers on pay, workload, working hours and wellbeing will only be secured when there is a government in Westminster that is on the side of teachers, education and public services.

So, email the candidates in your area to make sure they understand the issues facing teachers, schools and colleges.